CEVA – Social Apostolate of CMI Congregation
The VISION of CMI Social Apostolate fledged from the teachings of the Ministry of Jesus vociferously articulated by the congregation was in consonance with the founder & Patron saint, St Kuriakose Elias Chavara’s noble & larger vision of eradicating the rampant , all pervasive social stigmas, the necessity of overcoming queer societal behavior which existed then , aimed at the wellbeing of the neglected sections of the society whose hopes & aspirations had been mercilessly trampled by the diverseness and the class imbalance prevalent in the social strata in those times virtually shutting the doors on the marginalized to join the mainstream.
The formulation & promulgation of a full-fledged constitution by the congregation and enforcement of the laws contained therein through concrete actions helped to go a long way in accomplishing the onerous task of resuscitating the marginalized mainly through a string of philanthropic activities which formed the backbone of CMI social Apostolate vision .
CMI Social Apostolate has been always in the fore front of all other voluntary organizations targeting scores of beneficiaries & spending voluminous amount running to crores every year for the benefit of the poor.
CMI apostolate vision has considerably helped in improving & transforming the lives of several marginalized communities at different centres in the country where in their needs & aspirations primarily constituting Food , Clothing , shelter & health services were immediately taken care considering them as one of their brothers & sisters belonging to one & the same family , the family of God.
Nevertheless, the social activities of the CMI encompasses a much larger canvass comprising of social welfare schemes aimed at mentally & physically challenged , aged & destitute , incarcerated individuals, food supply, Health Services inclusive of hospital , Depression ,De- Addiction centers, HIV / AIDS care centres, counselling centres, Non formal education & various community based & community Development programs
Charity forms the underlying principle of the apostolate, the offshoots of which could be perceived in the form of innumerable humanitarian activities this forms the foundation while engaged in several socio- economic and cultural activities.
Our heavenly Patron Saint St Kuriakose Elias Chavara never advocated Evangelization just for the sake of it. For him it is a means aimed at a larger goal, an opportunity to metamorphose oneself and make life worthy undergoing meaningful changes by imbibing a humane outlook. St Chavara never wanted any individual to retreat himself or herself into shell & meditate in the garb of an evangelist but rather dedicate to the service of his fellow beings for holistic upliftment of their lives.
The vision of the social Apostolate is to serve the poor with a passion of love & Dedication which is in tandem with the noble & encompassing vision of St Kuriakose Elias Chavara that states ‘ Let there be no day in your life in which you did no good to others’. His divine vision to serve human race originated from perceiving divinity in all human beings as Jesus said ‘ Whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me’ ( Mathew 25;40).
Provinces & Institutions
The Prior General of the CMI Congregation is the Patron of CEVA. The General Body consists
On January 27, 1987, The Cyriac Elias Voluntary Association was registered under
CEVA history
The first half of 1986 witnessed an increased awareness among the members of the CMI Congregation