- 1987- Registered CEVA
On January 27, 1987, The Cyriac Elias Voluntary Association was registered under the Travancore Cochin Literary Scientific and Charitable Societies Registration Act of 1955.
- 1989 – Northern Regional Office started functional
With the aim of coordinating projects and assisting NGOs in North India, CEVA started a Regional Office in Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh. The Northern Regional Office (NRO) of CEVA started functioning in 1989.
- 2000 – Eastern Regional Office started functional
CEVA opened its second regional office in Kolkata in April 2000 to cater to the needs of the international donors and project partners in the East and Northeast regions.
- 2001- Formation of Research and Development Wing
As part of the diversification of the activities of CEVA, a Research and Development wing was started in 2001 at Kochi and Ghaziabad to take up consultancy assignments from NGOs and development organizations. This wing undertakes research in various subjects related to development and handles the direct implementation of various projects. It also assisted NGOs in assessing the needs of the project areas through participatory rural appraisal. The wing conducted feasibility studies and formulated proposals to respond to the needs of the people. Networking with NGOs and government departments has been done by this department. This wing also provided training to NGOs on related topics.
- 2008 – CEVA became Institutional Life Member of Indian Council of Social Welfare (ICSW), Kerala Branch, affiliated to National and International Council of Social Welfare.
- 2010 – Shifted Northern Regional Office to Delhi.
In January 2010, the Northern Regional office was shifted from Ghaziabad to Delhi.
- 2012 – Silver Jubilee
CEVA celebrated 25 years of its existence in the field of Social Development. The Silver Jubilee was a yearlong celebration (2012-2013) with new initiatives to ensure better existence of the marginalized and downtrodden sections of our society. Thrust areas included HIV/AIDS, Children and Elderly care, NGO networking.
- 2016 – Commenced CSR funded project supported by M/S. Air Products Kochi and accomplished the project in 2019 successfully.
- 2018- Got registered under Niti Ayog NGO Darpan (Portal) ID: KL/2018/0187650.
- 2019 – Conferred with 1st runner up award for NGO working on child and elderly care by the Kerala Management Association (KMA).
- 2019 – Integrated Community Development Project (ICDP) funded by the Centre for Social Action (CSA), Christ University launched at Niravilpuzha, Wayanad.
- 2019 – Housing project launched at Kainakary and Alappuzha supported by Indian Catholic Association, Germany.
- 2020 – Housing project at Kainakary and Alappuzha supported by Indian Catholic Association, Germany was successfully accomplished.
- 2020 – The 33rd Annual General Body Meeting held on 19th September 2020 at Prior Generals House, Chavara Hills, Kakkand. New Board of Directors of CEVA Elected for three
- 2020 – Housing project at Udaya Nagar, Ernakulum
Partnership with Karl Kubel Stiftung (KKS) Germany
CEVA successfully coordinated nearly 200 major & 800 minor projects with the help of more than 500 grass root level NGOs. Those organizations that joined hands with CEVA for the implementation of developmental projects include 295 Hindu organizations, 200 Christian organizations & 5 Muslim organizations. International organizations such as Karl Kubel Stiftung (KKS) Germany; KIDS Society (Kids in Deficient Situation) Germany; Indienhilfe Germany; Italian Bishops Conference, German Government (BMZ) & European Union (EU) supported CEVA in its services throughout these years.
The main functions of CEVA in project coordination can be summarized as follows:
- Identification of potential project holders and voluntary organizations, having the capacity, credibility and commitment to undertake rural development projects in accordance with the shared vision of the funding organization and CEVA.
- Assessment of project proposals including on the spot study of applying agencies and recommending project proposals
- Assisting the donor in project monitoring through periodic visits to the projects and the study of reports and accounts
- Assisting project partners in times of crisis situations through guidance and counseling.
Over the years, CEVA coordinated projects in all the States of India except Goa, Arunachal Pradesh, Mizoram and Sikkim. The three offices of CEVA in Kochi, Delhi and Calcutta have been instrumental in the successful implementation of the projects over this wide geographical area. Considering the vastness of the country and the population of India, the extent of projects is enormous.
Organizations Supported (Organisations that supported CEVA)
There are a many number of organizations that work together for the development of the poor and underprivileged irrespective of caste, creed and religion. These organizations include both religious and non-religious organizations committed towards the betterment of the poor. This helps in the development of the society. The international agencies’ outlook towards the development of the poor in the developing countries is appreciable. There is a global tendency for those agencies to leave the comfort zones in their own nation and to reach out to the poor people across the World. The contribution and cooperation of KKS, KIDS, EU, and BMZ helped in the success of these projects. The NGOs feeling of togetherness, along with their dedicated and experienced staff with varied skills and committed activities results in the successful implementation of development projects.
Thus networking with the international agencies, native NGOs and staff helped CEVA to render services to the needy people across India. The development of native NGOs evolved in the coordination process in the rural areas of India can be considered as the success of CEVA. The implementation of TPDP project (Training Personnel for Development Project) and establishment of KKID (Karl Kübel Institute for Development Education) is another golden feather in the cap of CEVA.
Major Projects Coordinated ? have to show the period
CEVA coordinated projects under 10 major themes like Rural Development, Women Empowerment, Child Rights Protection, Tribal Development, Health Projects, Housing Projects, Watershed Management, Natural Calamities, HIV/AIDS and Agricultural Development. CEVA through the coordination of 1000 projects covered 25 states and 6686 villages in India.

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